Sunday, November 16, 2008

Some more snowboarding this year?

I don't aim to get ahead of myself, but it's looking likely I'll make it through the next couple of weeks. Next couple of weeks in snowboard instructor training, that is. But, it's no guarantee I'll be hired even after the training. And that's not even including if I push myself to be AASI certified... One thing at a time.

Back when I was in high school, I did one season of training at Swiss Valley in Jones, MI. Although it was a good job experience, I didn't get much teaching experience there.... only had my chances with a couple of lessons. I'm not certain on the exact number, but let's just acknowledge the positives: I got plenty of use out of that complimentary season pass. And hot cider. Bonus!

I like to refer to it as the Alps of southwest Michigan, although most people who know the place (including me) would tend to disagree. But hey, when I was in grade/high school, that was a decent place to have some fun skiing/snowboarding unless you wanted to spend some serious hours in a car or hop on an airplane.

Right, back to this year. At this time, I don't want to jinx myself so I will not disclose where I aim to instruct this year. It's only about 40min from my house, and that should sufficiently tip off any local readers. For the rest of you, to be continued...

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