Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Something is burning in my dishwasher

I need a man in my life that can take care of my household appliances and me. I have a wood-burning fireplace that I can’t start a fire because I am afraid the pIace will burn down. When I start my dishwasher I smell something burning, but when I inspect it.... I don’t see anything. I couldn’t even hook up my own Tivo. To top it all off, I am sick and I had to go get myself some food and meds. Oh yeah ... and there is a light out in my bedroom that I can’t seem to fix. It’s a good thing that I got married when I did and never had to live alone. It's obvious that I wouldn't have made it. I am finally getting over the lonesome part of being here, but now it’s the “I don’t know how to do anything myself because I never had to” part of it.

As I said earlier, Rob came in this weekend and last night he left around 10pm or so. He got home just in time to drive to work. It was great to have him here. Now it is just the cats and me. Stewie walked and we could tell she was thinking, “This is great… where is the rest of the house?” They have like 1 carpeted room to play in as opposed to 3 with hard wood floors. They seem to be ok, but they keep taking turns sleeping in a tiny basket that is on the floor. Then I saw Brian cuddled up by the front door as if he thinks there is a secret room there that he doesn’t have access too.

The only other notable item is: On my way home from the airport yesterday I got passed by a SMART car. I was so excited. Seeing the car next to mine just shows me that it is like 2/3s the size of my car. It had a Canadian license plate. British Columbia. The only license plate I have ever seen that the state name is preceded by an adjective. “Beautiful British Columbia” it says. LAME. As if it is any more beautiful then any other Canadian state or whatever they are called.

That’s my weekend. The picture is from the Seattle Mariners game on Saturday Night. I was so excited when my friend, Torie's, husband bought me a foam finger. I LOVE those.


Parry Drive said...

I'm so glad that you finally got a foam finger! You have always loved those.

They are called Canadian provinces, not states. :)

I was wondering how long it would be before you started complaining about not knowing how to do anything. You're just like your mother... haha!

Allison said...

Shut it!!!

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaah. everybody's funny!