Friday, June 09, 2006

I am a handbag snob.

Not sure when it started. To this day I have never seen anyone with the same green coach purse that I have. That fills me with pride. I have started making some handbags and Vuala! It’s my own one of a kind handbag. My sister suggested 1154 Lill Sudio. It’s a custom handbag studio that allows you to choose your material for different designs of handbags. You can visit the actual shop in Chicago and a bunch of other eastern cities. However, Seattle doesn’t have one yet. So, I looked and looked and finally decided the Liz for myself. It looks like they don’t have the material that I chose for myself, I will have to add a pic later. About 4 weeks later, I got it in the mail and I love it, it was exactly what I needed for my day to day operations commuting to work. The problem was that I opened it when my mom was in town, she stole my invoice and claimed that she could make 10 of them for the price I paid! I guess it’s the price you pay for style. Even though she doesn’t believe me, I have received at 5 compliments on it already… so there. Anyway, they have tons of styles, so it’s worth checking out.

I had a softball game yesterday and even though we lost, I am proud that I hit a double AND I caught a pop fly ball. My husband stood on the sidelines cheering proudly. 


Anonymous said...

that bag is super cute!!

there are a few on there that i bet you could make. i have 2 sewing machines - should we start doing that too??? hahahaha. no, seriously. we should!

Parry Drive said...

I knew Mom would say something like that... next time, don't let her see the price!

Allison said...

I'm game. Let's do it!! I'll make my mom one for her Birthday. HA.