Monday, February 06, 2006

Seahawks lose… Humph!

A rough weekend here in Seattle after a tough loss last night in the Super Bowl. From the sounds of it, Detoit put on a great show. This may surprise some people, but it doesn't really surprise me as I have come to really enjoy Detroit in the past few years and have been reading the detroit blogs the past week and it looks like they did a great job getting ready for the Super Bowl there. On Friday we were lucky enough to go out to dinner and then to a show to see one our favorite new artists, Mat Kearney . We ran into him while he was opening for another one of outr favorite bands, Stephen Kellog and the Sixers, Since then we have been following Mat to watch when he plays in Seattle. As usual, he puts on a great show and is cute besides.

This weekend we also took some time this weekend to do some shopping for things that we needed and do some stuff around the house, like hang up the wall cabinets so we can actually put some dishes away. Below are dome pictures of our very messy house! More to follow, but we did have a fire on Sunday night for the first time.. Nice!

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